If u set it 1 it means event don't happen if country are ally-neutral-at war "eventbnotally", "eventbnotneutral", "eventbnotwary". I know its a lot of questions ^^ but like this, all holes in the wiki will be filled and my understanding of events complete :p also i read the list of parameters for event 45 is incomplete, could we have more details? "eventbresvd1", "eventbresvd2", what are they? What is the relation with those if any : "eventbnotifhuman", "eventbnotifotherhu" and how do they work, parameters?

In wiki for event 45, on entry no14 : "Set to true if region (or otherregion if defined) is Human player ", what are the parameters, just i0=14 ? "eventparam", when refering to an email, it needs the email id? when optional parameter can the system build email automaticly depending on event if true? "eventballowdead", what does it do? allow a dead country to be played for example? what event is it linked to and what parameters? If "eventdoalways" always repeat an event, how to specifiy the time between 2 events? In this case is "eventpersistcount" related here? how it works, parameters? "eventbdoalways", "eventbpersist", what is the difference between those? first will repeat infinitly while second will check persistantly but occur just once? what are the parameters? "eventbnotally", "eventbnotneutral", "eventbnotwary", "eventbonlyff", "eventbonlyreg", what are they and how do they work, parameters? TBA, what does this word mean in the wiki for event 45 (ie for i0=17)? This seems much more powerfull than the "eventconditional" & "eventconditional2" (they seem to work like AND/NOT depending on check done), what is the exact difference then, simpler way to write it (instead of writing 3 consecutive event with eventconditional)? Or they must happen same time with an event 45? Event 45 AND OR NOT : they can take up to 3 event IDs if i understand right? but how to tell which previous event to look? As far i know, eventID is not the id of a specific event but the id type of an event. The parameter for "eventbcondnot" is nothing = default and 1 = not, or i should write TRUE? for event 45 it says 1 for not. "eventbcondnot" : if i understand it right, specifying NOT here invert the condition check, so a greater than or equal become a less than or equal.ĭoes it also work for all conditions in an event 45 checks ? a minimum check become a maximum check (exemple for Region has colonies, 1 or more can become 5 or less) ? Some more questions about events (still need answers for above^^), big wall of request